Globally scalable Loyalty Platform for Just Eat (JET)

Just Eat

October 2019 - August 2021

Way of working
Scrum (Agile)

Role & responsibilities

  • Pitch phase
    Concept creation

  • Discover & define phase
    User research, rapid prototyping, user testing

  • Develop & deliver phase
    Product Design (visual, UX/UI, user flows, testing), stakeholder management, Product Owner support

Platforms delivered

  • Customer facing responsive website (desktop, tablet, mobile), connected with the Just Eat (JET) app.

  • Fully custom CMS (desktop only) for JET’s loyalty platform team


Through the acquisition of in 2014, inherited a points-based loyalty program, which they replicated on their platform in 2016. The program revolves around earning points by ordering food. These points can then be used to redeem offers in the loyalty platform.

After a 2-year period had seen enough evidence that the program enabled them to stimulate favorable customer behavior. decided it was time to improve and scale up the program and roll it out across multiple markets. INFO was selected as the partner to help them develop the new platform on their core systems.


  • The platform's design and user experience deviate significantly from JET, resulting in a disjointed user experience.

  • The platform is currently lacking scalability, making it challenging for JET to realize their ideas.

  • The CMS is very outdated, causing difficulties for employees working with it.


Design, develop and maintain the front- and backend of JET’s loyalty platform so that it increases orders by offering customers an easy, fun and rewarding experience while providing JET with richer data and insight.

Project goals

  • Align styling with main JET branding

  • Appealing, user-friendly and engaging loyalty shop
    (where customer behavior can be influenced)

  • A future-proof & scaleable platform (ready for roll out to different countries)

  • Conversion optimalization: Stimulate food orders by showing interesting and relevant offers in the loyalty shop

  • New custom user-friendly CMS where JET employees can configure the complete loyalty shop themselves

Design challenges

  • Design for different countries & languages

  • A lot of different use cases & scenarios

  • Configuration of custom point rules in CMS

  • Very strict brand guidelines

Agile product development

To build our digital products successfully, we use an agile approach based on the Double Diamond method. This helps us to create a clear vision for the product, understand the technical landscape, and how to collaborate effectively with our client.

As a Product Designer, my main responsibility is to clarify the product vision and outline the necessary tasks.

I will highlight a couple of activities in each phase of the process to illustrate how I create a successful digital product.

1 — Discover phase

  • Desk research (the JET brand, design guidelines)

  • Benchmarking other loyalty platforms

  • Usability testing the current platform + the designs we created during the pitch

  • User interviews

  • Shadowing JET employees

  • Workshops: Discover JET’s business needs + long & short term business vision

2 — Define phase

  • Personas

  • User & business needs

  • Design principles

  • Scenarios & user-flows


Discovering other loyalty platforms, learn and get inspired, and identify areas for improvement.

Usability test & interviews

My colleague and I conducted 8 tests with people of different ages. They all knew how to order food. We used Lookback for the tests.

Test setup

  • Warm-up interview questions

  • Current website walkthrough

  • Prototype walkthrough (with pitch designs)

  • In-depth interview questions

  • Written questions


General user profile

  • Age between 16 & 65

  • Balancing between a busy job, social life & personal health

  • Have little time but, but craving for a quick and delightful meal

Based on the insights and interviews, I created detailed personas to target and engage specific users through the loyalty platform.


Using the personas and insights, I developed scenarios for every situation when a user wants to redeem an offer on the loyalty platform. The process of redeeming an offer isn't overly complicated, but there are numerous flows and business rules, and it’s heavy dependent on the persona.

    • Has enough points to claim an offer

    • Has not enough points to claim an offer

    • Can see the offer details, but needs to login before redemption

    • Can not see the offer details, needs to login immediately

    • Has enough points to claim an offer

    • Has not enough points to claim an offer, link to order platform to get more points by ordering food

    • No differences with app

    • Can see his claimed offer in offer overview

    • Can resend the voucher code

    • Can claim the offer again

    • Can claim the offer again after 24 hours

    • Can claim the offer once. Not able to claim again.

User flows

I detailed the various scenarios in a user flow to gain an initial understanding of all interactions on the loyalty platform and the intended screen outputs. This information serves as a key input for the UI designs.

I did this as well for the custom CMS, where JET employees can upload offers.

After ‘completing’ the understand phase and gaining a clear understanding of the user and business, we proceed to the next diamond, focussing on designing and delivering the product. I will highlight a couple of activities during these phases.

3 — Develop phase

  • Design System

  • Co-design sessions

  • Testing & iterating (rapid prototyping)

4 — Deliver phase

  • Tested prototype

  • Concept designs

  • Roadmap (MVP + long term)

Testing & iterating

Iterating to create the optimal and most visually appealing solution for presenting an offer that aligns with the JET brand.

Iterations for claiming an offer. It should be fun to claim an offer!

UI designs for the different claim scenarios.

In addition to working on the customer facing platform, I’ve also focused on designing a new custom CMS for the JET employees. This is where all the offers are created and managed. I created this in close collaboration with the JET employees who where highly involved in decision making.

An example of adding and configuring an offer in the CMS, then showcasing it on the custom-facing loyalty platform.

EURO2020 x Just Eat

JET is proudly sponsoring EURO2020 and wants to involve their users by offering EURO2020-themed prizes in their loyalty shop. They asked me to create an exciting EURO2020 experience in the shop, making sure it captures the tournament's spirit and gives users a fun way to earn special prizes.

Previous — Page builder


Natural Heroes — Shopping experience